Serving clients in-person in Kailua-Kona | On-line therapy throughout Hawaii

(808) 465-3005 |
(808) 204-1717 |


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Telehealth is available to anyone in the State of Hawaii!

Our Telehealth services are confidential and encrypted. We utilize a web-based video system called Simple Practice Telehealth. This provides a direct video+audio connection for you through an Apple or Windows computer, an iPhone or Android phone, or an iPad or an Android or Windows based tablet.

More information about best practices for Telehealth Services:

  • The video will work best if you are connected to WiFi.
  • You will need a device capable of video conferencing (such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone).
  • Please be mindful of your privacy. Consider sitting in a location that ensures your confidentiality.
  • Your appointment times and dates will remain the same.

You may find that this method is more convenient for you. It might be easier for you to schedule Telehealth appointments because you do not have to leave wherever you are. In our experience, almost all of our clients become very comfortable with the Telehealth option. Perhaps you will, too.

Each therapist will decide if they can do one or both options based on that therapist’s determination of the best service they can provide. Please talk to your therapist about this option.

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